Sunday, April 19, 2009

take notes, Nairy-fans

I have been feeling really sorry for Nairy-fans lately. No, really. I feel bad because their arguments are so shallow and lacking dept that everyone is making fund of them, including us. So I decided to give them some tips. Something they can carry into battle. Someone has to help them! Plus they're going to down in 2.5 episodes the least we can do is help them out a bit. Now, what I'm about to give you are legitimate and realistic reasons. They may not be what you're looking for but if you post these people wont think you're some crazy person with a Barbie in your back pocket. Ok?

  1. "I know that the writers do not mean to make Nair an end-game couple but I really enjoy them regardless. I know they're breaking them up and it's all being used for CB but I will enjoy the next few episodes since I just love this couple so very much. I read them in the books and I'm saddened that this route was never taken in the show."
  2. "I'm more of a book fan than a show fan and I always loved Nate/Blair. I'm very happy to see them back on my screen."
  3. "I have waited for so long to see Nair back on my screen and I intend to enjoy ALL their scenes even though I know what is coming. I will always love Nair no matter what."
  4. "I know most people dont understand Nair and the truth is that neither do the writers but watching them on my screen always gives me hope and joy that maybe they will revisit them in the future."
  5. "I think Chace acts his best with Leighton and has finally given me interest in this character even though it was rushed and patched. I really wished they could've given us more development and a few more scenes this season to justify the pairing. Maybe if they had done this Nair would have a better chance of acquiring fans and support."
  6. "To me Nate will always be Blair's first and true love; I think the Nair relationship hasn't been portrayed in the most positive light and when the writers are done with the current storyline I can at least hope that Nate and Blair remain friends."
  7. "I think people need to stop posting that NB are awesome because they're so pretty together, it's just making us that really love NB look extremely bad, petty and childish. I think when explaining why you love Nair we should focus on the good times they had like the flashback and 1.13 before the break this way people can appreciate that we dont ignore certain areas of our ship and can hold an intelligent conversation with whoever would like to have one."
  8. "I know Nate is far from perfect and so is Blair - actually so is everyone on this show. I like the imperfections, Nate being all over the place is actually very consistent with the book Nate. He bounced a lot but he always made it back to Blair which is what we are seeing now. I do believe that there's love between them, I dont know if they're IN LOVE with one another but I think no matter what route they take later on there will always be love there. One always loves their first love and like many couples before them the first love is always very very special. You dont forget it."
  9. "I'm upset. I love Nair, I love them more than any other couple in this show but I'm upset that it was done so rushed and after no interaction the entire season! I would've rather they waited until Season 3, worked their way back to one another because this rushed activity just tells me they're going to break them up again like they did in S1 and they'll pretend once more they dont know one another."
  10. "I think what most upsets me is that the writers have no respect for the Nate/Blair relationship. They never have, even from the beginning it was shown as one-sided and wrong, they wrote the characters completely wrong for one another and that sentiment that I enjoyed in the books was lost."
You see? How simple it is to state something that MAKES SENSE, without bringing into play 'NATE IS PRETTY, OMFG.' Statements like this will make people realize that you have some thought in your brain and that you're a reasonable person to talk to. It'll make people RESPECT your opinion and perhaps engage in intelligent conversations.

Just a little lesson, kids.

ETA: I wrote these myself, these were not posted by Nair fans, I invented them.


  1. Ahhh dont give them ideas, thats the first step to us shipping Nair (puke).

    No only joking, its quite funny it takes a CB fan to actually tell Nairers how to ship their couple well- its because we're so epic at it lol.

  2. Ah, don't get me shipping them now! Besides, if they start making sense, what will we do now? There'll be nothing to wank!


  3. While these Nair fans are clearly not insane and seem like nice people (can you see like a nice person based on your evaluation of ships?), I still can't grasp the concept of shipping a couple that the writers clearly have no respect for.

    It's not like Nate/Serena, where we just haven't gotten a chance to see them and can therefore live in AU land. We have seen Nate and Blair, and the writers have shown us that they are not right for each other. That, unless they are in a prepubescent stage or speaking in robot voices, they are not happy together.

    So, how can you ship them if they don't work together? I need to hear about this from someone who has never read the books, I think.

  4. Remember, I made these up myself based on what I have read from them. And I think it's EXTREMELY hard to find a reasonable fan that has NOT read the books and is not shipping Nair out of frustration with Chair. Which is why they tend to rendezvous their arguments back to Chair.

  5. Carter, I dont think the wankings will EVER be done. ;) So let us not worry!

  6. Oh good! Because the idea of Nair fans being reasonable and making sense...

    Point is, wank makes the world go round!


  7. No, I have not come across any that speak English. We're still translating what we find.

  8. If only they made sense like this. Too bad they can't.


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