FANDOM WANKINGS PART DEUX!! I love these! We had SO many crazy nairers running around this week that we had to collect them all. And since Inca has ABANDONED me for the next few days I feel the need to wank them all so she gets NONE when she comes... wait... what am I thinking?? Come Monday the wankings are back ON! HAHAHAAAA!!!!
And did anyone notice that we have like a month before our Chair finale? HELL VUCKING YEAH!!!!
And did anyone notice that we have like a month before our Chair finale? HELL VUCKING YEAH!!!!
I won't lie - I'm a much bigger Nate and Blair fan then I am of Chuck and Blair. While Chuck and Blair are interesting for drama, I feel like they are too similar in a lot of ways. Comparing them to Seth and Summer on the OC is a long shot. I feel that once Blair and Chuck settle down and start doing normal couple things people will begin to realize just how boring they actually will be. Passion dies off - that sizzle everyone enjoys won't last forever.
ME: How about you DONT say you like Chuck & Blair? Ok? Because it's a bit insulting. Thanks! And in case you didn't notice the show creator just compared them AGAIN to SS. So, you're going to have to take it up with him but first get in line because WE have a few things we'd like to talk to him about first. And she's obviously not seen 2.09 when Chair WAS being platonic and just being friends. I swear, half these people dont even watch the show. I dont know why I even bother.
ME: ......... *looks around* I dont think she knows Barbie and Ken split up. But I can honestly say that I understand how she would confuse the two.
Maybe I'm the only one to feel this way, but Nate is actually my favorite character on this show. He's the only one whose story seems believable to me, and he's the only one who doesn't operate with hidden agendas. (mostly because he can't come up with them) That said, I have always loved Nate and Blair together because I feel like Blair is the only character on the show that's good enough for him. (..... what?) Not that Nate is perfect--cause he's soooo not--but he does seem to have a good concience and actually want to do the right thing most of the time. (MOST of the time. Not ALL the time. But most.) Blair needs Nate because he keeps her from turning into a horrible person. Chuck encourages everything conniving and malicious in Blair, something that keeps her from realizing her full potential. (Now with Nate Blair can be PERFECT! She'll be sweet and loving and all around better. It'll make her more interesting. Oh, dont worry if the smiles turn fake, it's all part of the new Blair improvisation plan!) I know this show's not about realism (lol), (never mind that you just said that Nate was the most believable yet you say you understand the show is not about that...) but Blair and Nate are just the more functional (Robo-Nair, anyone?), probable couple. I don't mind seeing Chuck and Blair together here and there, but I'd love it if, when Gossip Girl is said and done, Blair ends the way she began--with Nate. (You mean self-conscious, begging for sex from her boyfriend, puking during their dates and faking smiles, causing havoc to make herself feel better? Ending WHERE you started is the EXACT point of a TV show.) To my opinion Blair should be with Nate because Chuck treats Blair like cow shit,he was so mean to her and made her cry a few times (I'm GLAD Nate NEVER made her cry a few times. Only a whole fucking bunch). Though i also like this myself i think that Nate and Blair would be a better couple.
ME: I needed to get IN this one.
Chuck is a loser, he could have had Blair but he rather chose the bitchy nanny and then he slept with V instead fight for his "true love".... I highly doubt Chuck is actually as in love with Blair as he claims to be... btw I find so cute Nair this time and I'm so happy because in the next epi they'll have two kissing scenes AT LEAST (or hopefully more than kissing)
ME: .... Now that we know that Chuck is a bastard (as formerly established in 2.01 and before) I'm glad that we now know why Nair is good. Because it's cute and they have kissing scenes.
"but not even Blair's dad can accept her for who she is, and that is being a scheming bitch which Blair can't really accept herself.... remember The Age of Disonnance at the ending when she realizes this and decides to change and sleep with Carter? So why does Nate have to accept it?!"
ME: I actually cant find this funny or entertaining. This is honestly the most backwards, most bulimic-inducing statement I have read thus far. I cannot believe, in the age that we live in, that someone can honestly believe the statement above. I dont want to go all feminist but I have to stop and think here for a moment. These are young kids who are watching this and coming up with these conclusions. That men in general dont have to accept you for who you are. That you must change and be more docile and gentle. I honestly feel like I'm reading some thing out of Better Homes & Gardens circa 1958.
"chuck just disgusts me. blair can do way better then him. he has so many issues. i mean so does she, but she doesnt need more. thats why i think blair and nate are better. besides theyre the original couple."
ME: It's like listening to a crazy person isn't it? Chuck has issues... but so does Blair (so she's arguing FOR Chair there for a moment) then she snaps out of it and she like 'she doesn't need more' and THAT - THAT RIGHT THERE - is the reason Nair are better.... and if that doesn't convince you the fact that they're the original couple will.
See that's what pisses me off about Nair they've tried being a couple 3 times (this time being the third time) and it doesn't work. What pissed me off about nair fans is their stupidity and reasoning.
ReplyDeleteWhere the nair fans getting there reasoning? Do they not watch the show? Do they like stepford-Blair? Do they want boring? can't wait for Chair to get together again.
Then we get to see all former-Chair-lovers-turn-nair-fans back to loving chair. I love how they keep jumping ship, it's amazing. They are more confused than Nate.
oh and hopefully the one person that wrote about Barbie and Ken doesn't find out they broke up because she'll be crushed lol.
Can we just skip to 2.24 or the finale already?
ReplyDeleteI'm sick and tired of these people's stupidity and gloating(at least when I read them on other sites). I do love the wanking though, it makes me like CB more.
I just hate NB with a passion lol.
OT: It reminds me of a friend's past relationship. I witness everything.
I agree with the Barbie/Ken thing. But apparently, they got back together in February 2006? I just don't get the kool-aid though. Why don't they use this as an argument, or get good examples from the show, instead of ducks/pretty/cute? Are they afraid of the truth: that CB will overtake them all? I guess it would make sense; they get hopped up on delusions to make NB make sense, that's where they get arguments like this. They think it makes sense with their heads so far up their arses and all. Everything makes sense up there.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you. The arguments for N/B that I despise THE MOST are the ones claiming that she'll be sweeter/prettier/different/perfect with Nate. Why can't she just be who is she is, which is the fiercest raging bitch this side of the Mississipi? WHY MUST SHE CHANGE? Gee, I wish Blair could find someone to love her and accept just as she truly is. Oh, wait, SHE HAS.
OK, the funniest thing about this awesome post to me is how much that Ken doll in the pic actually looks like Nate.