In essence we really do believe the world has gone mad and everyone who is screwed in the head has been hiding all these months inside the fandom just waiting for their time to fucking shine and now they're out and about. This is what happens when the writers go on crack and open the asylum doors. All the fuckatards come out. Now they're mingling with the masses and we've got to either fucking run for our fucking lives or WANK THE MOTHERFUCKING SHIT OUT OF THEM!
So we'll do just that :)
i hate blair being with anybody but chuckk, but i quite like vanessa and chuck being together because its so unlikely and because they're actually a real life couple and the acting between them is so good.. but blair with anybody but chuck is just wrongg/weirdd and definitly with natee, nate with jenny :D all the way.
ME: OK. Do you all SEE what the inherent problem is with this CV fucktation? Do you see?? Stupid motherfuckers like this shit above think it's CUTE to fucking ruin my show with EJ being all over? And people think I'm exaggerated but my exaggeration has a bed of proof and I present you this.
I am a Chair fan (as visible by the episode posted above) but I respect the writers wanting to bring Nair together for the character development. And my friend is going to kill me for saying this, but *whisper* I thought it was cute how Nair's kiss was next to the geese eating bread, or whatever bird they were :P
ME: *takes a breath* To be fair I think this idiot doesn't understand the notion of CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. She doesn't. She can't. Because then she wouldn't be making a fool out of herself by posting this on the Internet. Second. Really. The birds? I mean... just READ what she wrote. Just read it.
Now, I’ve noticed that many, not ALL, but many Chair fans have continuously said, “I only watch the show for Chuck and Blair. I will not watch anymore if Nate and Blair are together.” I have been a diehard Nair fan since day one, and NO, I have not read the books, and I love the show for everything. It has not gone my way quite often and probably after next week’s episode, it will return to not going my way. But that is okay with me. It is not MY show to write. I will watch it forever, Chair, Vanessa, and all, because I am a huge fan of the show. People who say that will not watch the show because they aren’t getting their way make themselves look tremendously cold and very childish. If you will stop watching the show because you aren’t getting your way with one of its aspects, you are NOT a true Gossip Girl fan you are a couple’s fan, and that is all. I pride myself on being both a Nair fan AND a Gossip Girl fan because I support the show either way it chooses to go. That does not make me less dedicated to my couple. It makes me dedicated to both my couple and the show. I just wish that people would stop being such poor sports if their couple is not the thing of the moment. I have endured it for quite some time, and I would love to enjoy the few episodes Nate and Blair have together:] Just thought I would finally get this out there:] And again, I am not in any way, shape, or form targeting this toward all Chair fans. I 100% respect your relationship preference, as I hope you respect mine.
ME: Let us get something out of the way. NO I FUCKING DONT. (respect your opinion) And I'll tell you why RIGHT NOW. IF you have been a Nair fan since the beginning of the show AND NEVER HAVE READ THE FUCKING BOOKS (that now sport Chair covers - heh) I cannot and will NOT respect a person who enjoyed a one-sided relationship of a boy who cheated on the girl, with the best friend, pursued said best friend while with her, lied about the affair for over a year, didn't want to be with her but stayed because of family obligations, watched said girl whine and moan and be all around pathetic while pursuing a boy who didn't want her back. THAT is why I can't fucking respect your opinion. Because it makes no fucking sense, like people dont respect the war (the real one) BECAUSE IT MAKES NOT FUCKING SENSE. JUST LIKE THAT. I can go on, on what fuckness that was Nair 1.0 but I think I made my general point. If you still can't see it then I wish you luck with your life's endeavors and encourage you to continue drinking the Kool-Aid.
Nate and Blair of course!! They are so cute together. They deserve to be happy. Blair does not deserve some guy like Chuck. She deserves someone as nice and as handsome as Nate!!!!!
ME: ........ Yes, dimwit. She DESERVES someone as HANDSOME of Nate. So she can put him in a corner, dress him up and say to herself 'I've found my true love. Aint he handsome?'
Yes I'm serious! I'm not literally saying that love is all bout beauty.. And another thing, I totally love the N and B team up because they have respect for each other. And even they each made a terrible mistake last season, at least they stay civil and they do not do things in order to ruin each other. Unlike C and B, why do they always hurt each other. What's the point. You should never intend to hurt the one you love. I think N and B are totally perfect for each other. They deserve to start over. We need a real love story here. It excites me so much knowing that they are back on and I do hope it woul last until GG is here! Besides, there's always Vanessa for Chuck. :)
ME: I love that she ADMITS that love is not ALL about beauty. Not ALL the time. Not ALWAYS. It's part of it. But it's not ALL about it. Respect - you dont fucking cheat on a person or lie to them or becomes a general asshole if you respect that person. So dont use the fucking respect card unless the deuces are wild. On hurting the ones you love? Let me share a WELL KNOWN quote with you (and I can see that you're not the Nair/Spuffy fan because THAT one would at least know it) 'YOU ALWAYS HURT THE ONES YOU LOVE'. Always. If you loved Nair 1.0 you could've worked that into your argument if you were astute and worthy of my ten cents. I swear, when this Nair 'love story' ends up being a 4 episode arc a lot of these people will either have to re-evaluate life or jump off a cliff. They have little options here. And ADMITTANCE of convenience shipping. I love when they fuck up and admit it! Gives me fucking butterflies.
Chace Crawford is like fucking Shakespeare. The dude is at another level. He is far superior to his contemporaries... (others laugh) .... Man, fuck you guys. Chace is practically a legend already. You guys don't appreciate how lucky you are to see him during his prime. 20 years from now you will be able to tell your children what it was like watching him growing up. It will be similar to how my grandmother talks about James Dean.
ME: *dies laughing*
In closing. The madness is SOON ending, it'll be grand the day I can start wanking their whining. It'll be delightful. :D
OMG where did you get the last part? *dies laughing*
ReplyDeleteThe *ACTING* between CV is so good? REALLY. *Brain explodes* Blair should be forced to wait around while Chuck sleeps with Vanessa.
ReplyDeleteI hate this. I hate this. It's....making me want to ship Nair. THIS is how it happens. THIS IS ANOTHER SOURCE OF KOOL AID.
Acting like they're not acting? Yeah, it's fucking special. *walks away before the cardiac arrest begins*
ReplyDeleteThank you for snarking that last comment. I almost fell out of my chair from laughing so hard! Nair fans...making less sense as the days go by.
We're theorizing that the amount of days on the Kool-Aid is paralleled by the lack of sense they're making.
ReplyDeleteLMFAO!! thanks a lot especially for the last one! just hilarious!! :))
ReplyDeleteand i also liked the one, who is just SOOOO dedicated to GG!! Wow... I´d call it brain-dead. cause if chair should NOT happen ever and nair instead, then the whole plot is just a big pile of shit! I mean how blind, deaf and stupid are those damn Nair-shipper really??? Blair LOVES Chuck and the other way around!
but if the writers should suddenly decide that nair should end up "happily ever after" it would only proove that GG is just some crappy fucking soap, without character-development or anything MORE "COMPLEX" and THEN I WOULD STOP WATCHING because I WOULDN`T LET THE WRITERS FUCK WITH ME!!! but hey, don´t listen to me! you don´t need to question what you´re watching, tv-zombies/nair-shippers!!!
Acting like they're not acting? Yeah, it's fucking special. *walks away before the cardiac arrest begins*
ReplyDeleteIsn't the whole point of acting that it looks as real as possible?
your argument is as stupid as the Nair fans comments you mock about¡¡
we got a live one, babygirl ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you got hold of the "Shakespeare" quote. I actually had to stop what I was doing for like 12 minutes so that I could laugh about how stupid that person was.
ReplyDeleteUh, acting is supposed to be about looking natural while BEING IN CHARACTER. Neither Westwick nor Szohr were even trying to be in character. It was just watching them make out and it was uncomfortable to watch and unforgiveably lazy.
ReplyDeleteJust HAD to giggle to the last one. wow. what the fuck is wrong with the earth? And, damn straight. YOU ALWAYS HURT THE ONES YOU LOVE.
ReplyDeleteBut never in a "I'm gonna cheat on you with your bff at a wedding, as YOUR date". Because, that's just sick.
when the only way something can look like 'acting' on screen for you is when you're making out with your real boyfriend that tells me that you can't act for shit. NOW I walk away. ;)
ReplyDeleteif you do not like the arguments made here is there a reason you come? THAT is as stupid as you pointing anything out.
ReplyDeleteThat last comment is PURE GOLD. I bust a gut laughing at that. ROTFLMAO.
ReplyDeleteUgh and being pretty and handsome is not a valid reason to ship NB. Also NB are far from perfect and I hate that they keep saying that. Goes to show they don't know their couple as well as they'd like to think.
You know, I am utterly convinced that the person going on an on about Chace's acting is being sarcastic. They made a comment about wanting Chace to play Chuck IN ADDITION to playing Nate, just change the part in his hair. I died for about 10 minutes.
ReplyDeleteI mean, THEY HAVE TO BE joking. Otherwise I fear for the state of humanity.
i have to say that first poster who says that they dont want blair with anyone but chuck, but likes chuck with vanessa, makes me want to shake them till they get some sense into their heads! so what exactly are they saying - that they want a BCV triangle?! cos we all know that that will be the death of the show - NO ONE [except for maybe that person] is going to tune into see queen b chasing chuck, and chuck making puppy eyes at that troll ><
ReplyDeleteugh, it makes me so MAD that some ppl like the sh*t that is CV for the pure reason of EJ - if they want to see an EJ make out sesh they can tune into ET - not GG! >:(
Nate is like James Dean! ROFL
ReplyDeleteMaybe if James Dean had one facial expression and was constantly confused.
You gotta love the person who wrote that, though. I find it hard to believe they were being serious...they must have been joking - MUSN'T THEY???
Lol I love your comments at the end of each argument
ReplyDeleteoh i remember the James Dean comment from before and i just felt like slapping the person who wrote it. That girl is crazy constantly talking about how Nate is like God or something. I think she compared him to Jesus one time.