Oh you know you, LOVE it! It's what you come here for (that and Lady Dreadlocks bashing, because that NEVER gets old unlike her gag-worthy relationship) you wait ALL DAY for us to wank these motherfuckers, you LOVE KOOL-AID drinkers, otherwise we would have no stupidity to make fun of. So, without further adieu. I give you - today's hearty WANKINGS!!
Seriously, the stupidity continues to baffle us! But more AMUSE us because you can only be angry for so long with stupid people before you begin to pity them.
i used to really like them too. but everyone's rooting for them.. well almost.. most people are. it's just that they're so alike in a way that people think they look good together. the best looking people in the show is blair and nate for sure but i don't know if they have "spark" as they say lol.. i just don't know.
ME: I'm not sure WHAT this person meant. I dont think THEY know what they mean. But they're posting, like the rest of the confused people out there. Just happily posting nonsensical things that make you want to bash your head in. It's fantastic!
Have you losers still not figured out that Blair never liked Chuck? She was just waiting for another chance with Nate the entire time she was with him.
- Blair went back to Nate during her cotillion.
- Nate ended things when he discovered that Blair was a liar/tramp. Blair didn't want the relationship to end. She wanted to continue to be with Nate!!!
- Episode 18. The big reunion episode between Blair and Chuck, right? Not exactly. Even if Blair and Chuck kissed a couple of times, it only happened because Nate wasn't available to her. She even displayed her jealousy at the reception. Go back and watch the episode and listen to her warning Vanessa about dating an Archibald.
- Season 2; obviously she had to wait for Vanessa and Nate to end before she could make her move. But it worked out well for her. Nate dated a couple of women and now realizes things with Blair weren't so bad.
Blair never actually cared about Chuck. He was just convenient.
ME: This one brought me a list. It's only fair that we give her a list BACK.
- You're an idiot who cant understand a storyline if it was painted by numbers with water colors.
- Where the HELL have you been? Living under a rock? Sniffing glue? Touching LaJessica's weave? SOMETHING has you damaged, child and I'm in no way going to help you. You're fucked.
- Let me guess? In your eyes Blair didn't mean ANYTHING she said or ANYTHING she did, right? Yeah, I thought so. (NOTE: THIS IS ONE OF THOSE SEVERE CASES, SIDE EFFECTS OF THE KOOL-AID, BE WARNED)
- Go fuck yourself tonight and enjoy it - because in a few episodes your satisfaction with life will be questioned.
omg if u think blairs all ooc read the BOOKS this is so blair book. i dont know why ppl think shes so ooc if u read the books you knew blair would be like this
ME: For the record - she's talking in English, I know. I was confused myself. But yes, it's English but it's English on the Kool-Aid and that is not easy to decipher and one is NEVER able to understand the meaning behind the words. So it's shit basically. Red shit.
"Im just telling the truth. Most of the Chuck and Blair fans are way too obessed and are so snobby. Just because some people don't ship their couple doesn't mean they are retarded and pointless losers? yes Ed and Leighton do have chemistry but stating that Chuck and Blair are the best couple on tv? thats just going a little too far. It's funny how you slam me for being "immature" but if someone writes an insensitive comment about C/V shippers thats suddenly ok . tsk tsk C/B is overrated.
ME: YES, I'M A MOTHERFUCKING SNOB, PUT THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND FUCKING SMOKE IT! You're SMOKING everything else you might as well LOVE that weed. And yes, here at the Kool-Aid we DO believe that you are BOTH retarded and a pointless looser. That's just being honest, mate. And on life lessons. Overrated brings the ratings. Without it your little Blip and your little CV would not exists. The show would be canceled by now. If I were you I would motherfucking LOVE our overateness, biatch!
Have you seen the next 5 episodes already? NO! The writers lied to their fans. They trolled their fans. Is that truth really so hard to comprehend? The blip comment was a lie. The comment about Chuck and Blair being the King and Queen...another lie. And do you know why? Because they knew being honest would negatively impact the ratings. After everyone has watched Nate and Blair for a few weeks...they will begin to look at the relationship in a more positive manner. Former CBers are warming up to it already. It's a fact.
ME: for a moment I thought she said 'NB POWDER' which would make TOTAL sense because we knew they were sniffing something all along but we thought they slipped up and finally admitted it. And here are some FACTS for this insipid little slithery individual: one - talk less, know more. two: when spouting pointless shit into the world TRY not to sound like Hitler and then people might not think of you as such a lint. Which is what you are. Lint on my new black pants.
So you see? It's becoming more and more evident that people in this world are just naturally stupid creatures. Can we, in good conscience make fun of them when they're such SAD creatures? You let me know. Can we?
it's funny that two comments here are by the same person, the one anonymous Nair fan who posts "NB POWER XD" over and over again on spoilertv. FUCK he/she is annoying.
ReplyDeleteOMG. These people are so right. Blair NEVER cared for Chuck. Her sleeping with him: for funsies. Her and Chuck making out: she was bored. Her saying I love you: That's right, it was for NATE! What drugs are people taking these days?
ReplyDeleteof course we can make fun of them! it would be boring otherwise.
ReplyDeleteand blair spending most of second season plotting to have her chuck basstard was for nothing more than shits and giggles apparently.
also nb loving is not a known fact. nb is for sad delusional people who still think nate is good, and that he would still be good even if he murdered his family, friends, and ran off to be a meth head. he is pretty, so he is a good, committed guy, and blair belongs with him because he is pretty. pretty shitty power! anyone with a brain should not be near archibooger or scary toed ladies either.
no offense but you're such a bitch. I love it!!!! XD
ReplyDeleteI know, ain't it great? HA!
ReplyDeleteThe most hilarious thing about the whole NB power thing (and I think some of your other wank posts have been from this one person, is that she also posted elsewhere that her main ship was Chuck/Jenny. Then she calls him a rapist.
ReplyDeleteProof that no person is wrong ALL the time: She supposedly also hates Vanessa, but who knows.
i'm at lectures reading this and i just cant contain my laughter over your "for a moment i thought she said NB POWDER"!!! ROFL!!! XD you girls make me so happy XD