So. Apparently E! is ALSO on the Kool-Aid thinking that ANY NB argument that removes CB from the equation can be persuasive. But we will humor them.
We here at the KAG are encouraging you all to break out your pen and paper (or keyboard) and humor E! by sending this mess in. You see, my personal email to E! will consist on BEGGING for those essays that DIDN'T make it. The stupidity in them is bound to not only give us HOURS of enjoyment but also to make as many posts as we can about the WANKERY in this fandom.
If you're a fan of either Nate-Blair or Blair-Chuck, we're now taking arguments in favor of both sides. Write up 250 words or less about why Blair belongs with a certain guy, email it in to tvdiva@eonline.com and in the near future, we'll post the best, most persuasive points of view and open the floor to discussion about which pairing is best. Get your submissions in by Friday if you have something to say about Blair's one true partner.
So... you're going to DO IT! You're going to DO it for humanity, for liberty, for cream colored ponies and crisp apple-strudels, for the writers we've lost, for the anger we've had, for nose-pecks, for romantic kisses, for ending stupid episodes and cheap plots, for limos, for butterflies, for one-armed men, for ANYTHING you hold sacred, DO IT!
And we're calling the big guns too, send out messages to the writers and by writers we mean the fanfiction writers, the GOOD ones. If you know them PLEAD with them to send in their thesis. We have thousands of more fans and we happen to hold the best writers in the fandom! ALL OF YOU NEED TO WRITE! WRITE IN YOUR STUFF. KEEP NB OUT OF IT. Just sell CB, their magic, their ability to make you root for them. Remember, NB'ers are going to want to put down CB in their essays, let them WASTE their time doing that. If you've got 250 words then you BETTER make it worth your while.
sent this in - it won't be posted though.....OH WELL
1) “C/B is purely physical and they only want each other for sex.”
This is true. Blair’s exact words to Chuck were “I will stand by you through ANYTHING… as long as it leads to sex.”
2) “Blair SMILES when she is with Nate. He’s the only one who makes her happy.”
Honestly - if you believe this to be true, then you didn’t watch season one of Gossip Girl. Half of the season was about how BLAIR PRETENDS TO BE HAPPY WHEN SHE’S WITH NATE - BECAUSE IN REALITY SHE IS A RAGING BITCH. And guess who the only one is who likes her - nay - LOVES HER just the way she is? JUST GUESS.
3) “Nate is a great guy, unlike Chuck.”
Nate really is way better....I mean, I personally am really attracted to a guy who jumps from girl, to girl, to girl...not to mention he cheated on Blair with her best friend. He is TOO sweet.
I did it!
ReplyDeleteHere is my entry:Once upon a time, there was a pretty Upper East Sider, name of Blair Waldorf, who had the most picture perfect boyfriend in the whole of Manhattan, called Nate, but he was in actual fact a cardboard cutout, whose sole function was to look pretty. Blair would carefully fold him up and carry him around in her handbag, getting him out at social events where she was required to have a boyfriend on her arm. This is where the pretty flippy-floppy hair came in. Then one day, a blue fairy came, turning Nate into a real boy, and we all know what boys want, so of course the first thing Nate did was go and sleep with Blair’s best friend. Of course Blair was very upset, but took him back. But the second time around it didn’t work out, because Nate seemed incapable of doing anything other than looking confused. Blair then found a boy who actually cared about her AND had a personality as an added bonus. But as soon as they hooked up, Nate decided that it wasn’t okay for B to sleep with his best friend, even though he did the exact same thing to her, WHILE THEY WERE STILL DATING. Eventually he decided to break the hearts of every other single girl in New York, plus bang a woman old enough to be his mom. Yet somehow Chuck, who loved and adored Blair, got labelled the womanizer. And that is the end of that little tale.
You've convinced me girls. I'll do one. For the love of nosebumps.