I have been thinking about this for a while, mulling it over. Thinking of the possibilities of it all. The pros and the cons. Taking in the fandom reaction to this character. And then I started thinking - what do we do about this? We do NOTHING about this. We sit around and complain about it all fucking day. Well, this is when it ends. No more bitching and moaning and doing nothing about it. The day for ACTION is here. We here at the Kool-Aid are starting BOTH a letter writing campaign AND an online petition to get this motherfucking character OFF our show.
You may think we're extremists, that's quite alright, you wouldn't come here unless you were looking for extremists. Now, I'm not under the delusion that a few hundred signatures and a few hundred emails will get Vanessa OFF Gossip Girl. I'm not, it's a matter of principle. Remember when the talked before about the power of words? That your voice counts and you shouldn't let anyone let you think otherwise? That those same words can possibly influence the course of things? That's what we're trying to accomplish. The writers KNOW that the audience is not reacting favorably to Vanessa, hence the sudden character change. To make her more popular, more screen time with the most popular characters. Well, it's time to inform them that it's doing quite the opposite.
Now, I'm not just addressing you Chair-lovers here. I'm addressing ALL the couples. You think Vanessa has only affected your coupling? Think again. Because she has no purpose she is being used where she needs to be used and I for one will NOT stand for it.
NB'ers - you think you're safe? You think she can never touch your ship? I would think a few times about that one. As long as she's around Nate is bound to fall once more into her mouth.
NJ'ers - I dont even have to preach to you all, you all HATE her with a vengeance.
DS'ers - dont feel out of danger, she's done BOTH Nate and Chuck this season, who do you think she's going to go for next season? Rufus? I dont think so, she's going straight to Dan and she's the one you should be worried about, if you ask me especially with Savage reminiscing lately about the books.
and CB'ers - do I really even have to go there? I mean, really?
I'm sorry you NV'ers out there, but they've fucked up your ship, be mad at them NOT me.
So really, we SHOULD band together and do something about this character that is being used to fuck up EVERYONE! She's a fucking loose canon, they dont know what to do with her so they have her do everyone else. Not going to fucking happen without me stating something about it.
So here it is. Feel free to post it ANYWHERE. Let the few haters say what they like, let us see how many we can get.
You may think we're extremists, that's quite alright, you wouldn't come here unless you were looking for extremists. Now, I'm not under the delusion that a few hundred signatures and a few hundred emails will get Vanessa OFF Gossip Girl. I'm not, it's a matter of principle. Remember when the talked before about the power of words? That your voice counts and you shouldn't let anyone let you think otherwise? That those same words can possibly influence the course of things? That's what we're trying to accomplish. The writers KNOW that the audience is not reacting favorably to Vanessa, hence the sudden character change. To make her more popular, more screen time with the most popular characters. Well, it's time to inform them that it's doing quite the opposite.
Now, I'm not just addressing you Chair-lovers here. I'm addressing ALL the couples. You think Vanessa has only affected your coupling? Think again. Because she has no purpose she is being used where she needs to be used and I for one will NOT stand for it.
NB'ers - you think you're safe? You think she can never touch your ship? I would think a few times about that one. As long as she's around Nate is bound to fall once more into her mouth.
NJ'ers - I dont even have to preach to you all, you all HATE her with a vengeance.
DS'ers - dont feel out of danger, she's done BOTH Nate and Chuck this season, who do you think she's going to go for next season? Rufus? I dont think so, she's going straight to Dan and she's the one you should be worried about, if you ask me especially with Savage reminiscing lately about the books.
and CB'ers - do I really even have to go there? I mean, really?
I'm sorry you NV'ers out there, but they've fucked up your ship, be mad at them NOT me.
So really, we SHOULD band together and do something about this character that is being used to fuck up EVERYONE! She's a fucking loose canon, they dont know what to do with her so they have her do everyone else. Not going to fucking happen without me stating something about it.
So here it is. Feel free to post it ANYWHERE. Let the few haters say what they like, let us see how many we can get.
Signed the petition? Now it's time to write in. We had provided before a link to contact the CW, now we're providing it AGAIN. Let them know EXACTLY what you think of Vanessa and what they're doing with her character.
REMEMBER. No one can get mad at you, you're stating an opinion. It's YOURS to do with as you wish. You dont owe anyone anything, and you have a RIGHT to dislike a character. Remember, this is OUR show and thought it may never get her character out at least they know we DONT LIKE HER. They NEED to know this.
Done and done BBs ;) Im glad that you guys finally did this. Kisses.
let it begin ;)
This post is a total win. And you win at life for doing it. *applause*
ReplyDeleteIt's sad that I feel that they have driven me to this choice. Because really, at this point there is no other choice. I dont trust them with her at all. All my love for her is gone and dead and I need her to be removed.
ReplyDeleteAmazing! Sent in a 'nice' comment to the CW mentioning how pointlwss Troll is. Win!:)
ReplyDeleteiz you used to like V? we're gonna have a problem here. Cant look at u the same way again.
LOL but i still Loves youuuu. i know we both totally
agree with what VB wrote. so yes! Salute! sign sign sign give it to your mommas mommas ousins wifes family etc.
Done (:
ReplyDeletedone and done indeed - i heart you girls for taking the initiative! and i agree with isabllecs, i didnt hate vanessa - i was just indifferent - until the CV storyline. but now that they cant take it back, i cant ever go back to being indifferent towards her ><
ReplyDeleteGive me a break, Cher - as long as she was with Nate it was fine, they were segregated. This time I'm all against integration. ;)
ReplyDeleteI cannot tell you how much I despise Vanessa. I signed the petition and sent a very long comment to the CW. I hope they actually pay attention to this. I absolutely love Gossip Girl but Vanessa and the CV storyline are making me start to hate it.
ReplyDeleteAny chance of getting this on the chuck and blair comm or NJ comms?
ReplyDeleteIs it okay if I give the link to gossipgirlinsider.com so that people could sign there too?
Vanessa is an awesome character. Gossip Girl is not just about the couples. So stop bieng childish, Vanessa is going nowhere.
ReplyDeleteYou all are welcomed to post this anywhere as long as the community or the forum allows it.
ReplyDeleteoh and give me reasons for Vanessa being awesome and the character's purpose on the show and I will consider your statement. I would like to see supporting information such as character development through the series, character motivations for the past actions and cohesive statement of what you see the writers doing with her in the future that can make me appreciate her as a character. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteVanessa is annoying, contrite, and pointless. She has interfered with practically every relationship on the show. She shows up where she would least want to be all the time, with the excuses of making these films, films that are never mentioned again. She serves only to advance the plot, or what minor character development people might have. She also has these nice scenes with Jenny and Dan that are supposed to make me like her, but don't. I tried to like her. But honestly, I can't find a thing anymore. On top of that, she does nothing for herself except run that coffee shop. The other character's are moving on and up in life (sort of) while she just bums off the rich boyfriends she somehow got when half the ues, with much prettier girls than Vanessa, could not get with Chuck or Nate? How am I supposed to believe that they would date, in Chuck's words, brooklyn poor low-class trash? (not exact words of course, but a vague number of adjectives that he feels towards the humphreys and her) I suppose her actress can be pretty, when she's not looking like a lunatic with fungal toes. If the writers finally get a clue, Vanessa will be going somewhere, if they want to keep their show on the air.
ReplyDeletealso, her outfit there is hideous. pointy boobs are so gross.
I wish that Vanessa had done something good on this show, so that i wouldn't hate her. The truth of the matter is, she's horrible. Most of the time you have no choice but to hate her. She tacky and her lines are anything but clever (maybe more the writers fault). Vanessa has to go, more than 80% of the fans will agree. Sorry Jessica Szohr it's not you it's your character we cant stand.
ReplyDeleteyou're fucking insane... do you think the gossip girl writers are actually going to care?
ReplyDeleteyes, thank you. And read the post.
ReplyDeleteyour lives have to be so sad ,if you really have to discharge all your anger and hate on a TV show character, I really feel sorry for you.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcomed to keep us in your prayers
ReplyDeleteI just wrote this to the writers xD
ReplyDeletedear Gossip Girl writer.
I want to cut her stupid movie-maker/slut/boyfriend-stealer head off! She deserves to die! Kill her off in the first episode of season 3, or else..
Vanessa (the slut, just saying) goes to her car, she opens the car door and sits down in the car (real slow because her ass hurts from all that stupid ass sex w/ Nate, Chuck, Dan, Eric, Rufus+++). She starts the car, and drives away. While driving Nate (gone psycho because he is a stupid womanizer, and I would love to kill him off to!) jumps into the car, takes a knife and cuts Vanessa's wrists. And then the cops figures out that it's Nate who killed her, and he goes to jail and we will never EVER see either of them EVER again!
Or else I'm gonna come down to cut your Nair asses back to last year. Yeah, I used a line from The O.C. Yeah, I went there. Happy now Josh?
And, since you obviously have forgotten about The O.C, I'm gonna remind you.
You didn't see Ryan go and fuck around with Summer? Or Marissa with Seth?!
-Vanessa (you guys killed my name ;[)
.. assholes.
Best idea EVER.
ReplyDeleteWoah Vanessa (lol) isn't that letter to the writers a bit extreme? Although I'm all for removing the character from the show, try to sound a little less angry when writing!
ReplyDeleteNo it's not extreme. I want her gone. See our essay on her uselessness. And we were angry when we wrote it.
ReplyDeleteThis is brilliant. I've hated Vanessa from the moment she tried to ruin Dan/Serena before sabotaging my OTP Nate/Jenny and now with Blair/Chuck. Ridiculous. Even the author hates her on the show. She's not even fun to hate. She's just a waste of space and needs to GTFO.
ReplyDeleteWhere can I find the essay on her uselessness cause I really want to read it.
Here it is, enjoy yourself!
I tried to like V I really did but no..It just never happened! The difference is in the first seaosn she really didnt matter, I barely noticed..second season made me hate her more than any other character like ever and Ive hated a few characters on other shows before too lol!
ReplyDeleteI think Jessica seems really nice and shes a doll but I really cant stand her character and I blame it on the writers not knowing what the hell to do with her more than anything else!
She royally screwed over my NJ and then her and Jenny are supposedly friends again without even so much as an explanation or a scene that shows them making up. *GRRR* Anyone else frustrated at the lack of clear thought out storylines with build up and meaning instead what we've been getting as of late? I miss the group interactions, I miss the built up awesome storylines we had in season one!
Anyways V just needs to go! She's a waste of air space IMO! For the first half of the season Nate was missing in action a not small portion of the time and now the second half, Jennys screen time has been extremely limited! These are suppose to be main characters why the hell does it seem like V is getting more screen time than both of them? Grr annoying pointless character..
I hope they finally realize most the fans hate the character and get rid of her in season 3..I wouldn't miss her, I say good riddance!
I actually posted the petition on imdb and got a lot of bad feedback.
ReplyDeleteyes, we expected bad feedback, that's quite alright. Like I stated we dont presume that we will actually get the character written off. It's attempting to make a statement.
ReplyDeletelol i just got a reply frm the cw
ReplyDelete"Thanks for your valued opinion."
I think it was a good thing she ruin NJ - hopefully we dont have to see that crap again
ReplyDeleteV should not be with C - simple