The entries are starting to come, how did you defend Chair to that article posted about E! We wanted to share this from Alice, who is (though she doesn't know it yet) our guest poster here since her thoughts are always so fantastic! Here we are sharing her own essay on why Chuck and Blair (and no other fucking 4 minute ship) are perfect together. Thank you, Alice for staying OFF the Kool-Aid!
There are a myriad reasons why I think Chuck and Blair belong together. There is something Old Hollywood about them. They have the raw passion of Burton and Taylor; the sly recognition of Bogart and Bacall; Tracy and Hepburn’s comradeship and solidarity. There is a touch of classic literature to their coupling – Cathy and Heathcliff, Elizabeth and Darcy, Beatrice and Benedict, Scarlett and Rhett. Like great art they are transcendent of time; their story resounds like those of their canonical predecessors. I love them because of Ed Westwick and Leighton Meester. They are completely in sync with one another; completely entranced by the others’ presence when they embody those characters. There is a sense of the intuitive to their acting partnership. They are magnificent apart but they are magic together. That kind of chemistry is a rare bird indeed. It cannot be taught and it cannot be contrived.
But even this alone is not why. It’s not even because I believe in soulmates, or that they complete one another, or that fate is somehow involved, however sadistically, in their union. Their being together or not together is not even the point. They are different people because they fell in love. Something alchemic happened and turned base metal into gold and it keeps happening to them. Mutual torment keeps them together, affording them a certain cloaked intimacy. Anything more would cost them too much. They burnt once briefly and urgently; their incandescence bore a transient heat. Now it is all beautifully controlled, as though they spend their evenings choreographing every move they will make the next day. Two people so determined to control and exert authority would never submit to any other, but the prospect of relinquishing that control is always a delicious impossibility. Love shouldn’t require that you be less than yourself, it should demand that you be more. You shouldn’t have to retract your claws in order to be loved, or soften your edges. The only thing you should do is relinquish the masquerade that you perform for everyone else.
There is nothing static about their relationship; their relation to each other is constantly in flux but one thing remains the same – the point to which they will both return over and over again. That moment when they both stopped pretending and allowed the burlesque to stop just for one exquisite moment. They can never pretend again with each other and that is what they love and hate the most. There is no one else who does that for them in either of their lives; no one else who refuses to look at them until they take off their respective masks. For me, that is real love. It is mercurial and painful and it does not go away even when you beg it to. They belong to each other and that will be true regardless of the years or the distance or the people between them.
Got some awesome ones to share? Send them in, we will post them as encouragement to those of you who loose hope in the coming times!
"Love shouldn’t require that you be less than yourself, it should demand that you be more. You shouldn’t have to retract your claws in order to be loved, or soften your edges."
ReplyDeleteO-M-G. this girl just nailed it for me with that line just there! maybe nair fans will need the whole 250 words to explain why they're on the koolaid, but you only need a few words to describe the magic that is chair.
Sooo fucking beautiful! That girl just perfectly put it into words why CB are perfect for each other.
ReplyDeleteSo amazingly beautiful! Bravo, Alice!
ReplyDeleteHoly shit, that was bloody brilliant!
ReplyDeleteOh my god. Alice, that was absolutely one of the most intelligent and most beautiful things I've read about Blair/Chuck. Thank you so, so much for writing and sharing that. Guh, its so perfect!
ReplyDeleteSimply beautiful and perfectly embodies the amazing experience that is Chuck/Blair. This is what they inspire...the reason that our ship has so many wonderful artists, writers and vidders. Love it Alice. Brava.
ReplyDeleteNO nair shipper could ever write such an eloquent analysis.
ReplyDeletei think you have summed up EXACTLY what we all feel!!!!! this is why we love this stellar couple and all of their magic.. is feels natural to watch them on the screen and it feels natural to want them to be loved by one another.. Bravo Alice.. Bravo
ReplyDeleteI've never read anything so cohesive and true!