The Best & Worst of Season 2... for me - 35 QUESTIONS!
- Favorite Blair Outfit: It's a toss up between Blair's Snowflake Ball gown and the Ruby Red dress she wore when babysitting that chick in that one episode. Of course, both dresses that Chuck has gotten for her are close contenders; both the ruby one and the Prom gown were stunning. (and and and the dress she wears when she hugs Chuck and the peach one in 'You've Got Yale'... damn, so many! I just want her wardrobe.)
- Least Favorite Blair Outfit: It's hard to find a least favorite look for Blair because she always looks so amazing. But I really didn't like that blue thing she wore at Yale:
- Favorite Other-female outfit: I loved Serena's Grecian gown in 2.01, it was stunning & Jenny did look adorable in her 2.01 'Ivory' dress also. I also really like how Eleanor dresses, my favorite aunt dresses like her and she always has this classy air about her.
- Least Favorite female outfit: Not a fan of about 90% of things Vanessa wears, so that's that. I also never got the insistence of making Blake's tits part of the all-star cast. Half her outfits featured her boobs more than her.
- Favorite Male Outfit: Chuck's wardrobe is a character in itself, isn't? But my favorite is a toss between his Yale outfit that made him look like he stepped off a period film (in the most delicious way), the White suit at the white party and the Sparkly-jacket for the Snow Flake ball. That will never get old. I dont really know what else the boys wore; their outfits never stand out.
- Least Favorite Male Outfit: Anything Dan/Rufus/Nate wears I can usually skip right over. So I have to stick with Chuck who actually takes thought into dressing himself and sometimes makes you go like 'WTF?'. My least favorite Chuck outfit is the smoke-jacket. A sure sign that he's brooding about Blair and not thinking about his outfit.
- Favorite Fight: I have a few faves. Of course the Serena/Blair cat fight takes the cake (MY HEADBAND, MY HEADBAND!) but we must also mention Chuck FINALLY punching someone; and it had to be the JACKass. It was hot. I'm not going to lie.
- Least Favorite Fight: Lord Tiny Penis punching my Chuck. And Chuck taking it. Ugh. I was so mad I had to walk away.
- Favorite Blair Headband!: I have a few so I'll narrow it to 2. Damn. My very favorite one is the one in 2.03 when the Ear!Sex happens. That one was stunning but I really really loved the White-Party one AND the one Chuck got her to match her dress in 2.07. There's so many of them *cries*
- Least Favorite Blair Headband: None. Blair is perfect.
- Favorite Parent Moment: Bart/Chuck 'I want to know my son' and then the bastard dies. Sadness. Blair/Cyrus 'not enough!' in 2.13 and Blair/Eleanor in the finale 'dont let him get away' *sigh*
- Least Favorite Parent Moment: Lily slapping Chuck. Literally someone had to hold me back because I was pretty sure that ad mists my sobbing I was going to slap her right back. Lily attempting to run off with Rufus while her family is falling apart. I mean... where was Eric going to spend Christmas never mind her step-son who was mourning. Harold telling Blair he was disappointed in her. I wanted to .... ugh!
- Best Friend Moment: Blair and Nate carrying Chuck to the funeral. Serena and Blair during 2.07, their friendship was adorable and funny. Dan/Chuck in jail, that sequence was amazing. An honorable mention to Jenny/Eric who are my current favorite BFFs.
- Worst Friend Moment: Serena telling Chuck he hasn't been there for THEM during HIS father's funeral. Bitch, WTF?? Did he not bail your ass out 100 times over and over, you stupid plastic bendable Barbie??? Jenny/Vanessa after the Nate-pong mess. I still don't know how they went back to being bffs and TBH I dont give a damn.
- Worst Fake-Boyfriend/Girlfriend: It's a toss-up between Lord-Tiny-Penis and Monotone-Aaron. Yup.
- Best Fake Boyfriend/Girlfriend: There are none. This is why they're fake.
- Favorite Plot-Line of the Season: Aside from the whole will-they-wont-they Chair sequence I loved Jack Bass. Just loved him. I wish they'd bring him back so Chuck can properly beat him up and Vanessa can come on to him because he's after all a Bass and a male. (apparent requirements for getting back at Nate when he leaves her for the 7th time)
- Least Favorite Plot-Line: Aside from the obvious Quadrangle from hell that reared it's badly-written head in the later half of the season; I couldn't bring myself to give a fuck about the whole Rufly kid. Really. I dont care. At all. Oh and the Yale mess. And the Eyes-Wide-Shut party shit (was her name Elle or Hell? Either way we were watching it) and the Nate being angry at Chuck for no reason... I can go on. I must stop before I start a full-on-rant
- Favorite Episode: Fuck, damn. I can't choose. 2.01, 2.04, 2.08, 2.13, 2.14, 2.15... then we skip to 2.23 and 2.25
- Worst Episode: 2.20 will go down as the worst one. Ever. Ever. But there are a few others that are close behind.
- Scene that made you sob and rock in a corner: 2.13, Chuck showing up in Blair's room. That scene... oh that scene...
- Scene that made you laugh until your stomach hurt: Georgina showing up in Serena's room and the mess that went with that but the cake was Nate "shhh"ing everyone.
- Promo that made you want to die for the next episode: The 2.12 promo. Chuck and Blair dancing. I was a mess. Oh and the promo for 2.03 - Chair kissing in the dark.
- Promo that made you sick: 2.20. Really, this is like the all-purpose fuck-up.
- Favorite Quote: It's between "Tell Jesus the bitch is back", "I'm bored, you ruined my pants" and "Three Words, Eight Letters". Just selective good writing.
- Least favorite Quote: Anything Nate told Chuck in anger, most especially when Chuck was trying to help him with his money problems. And usually when Vanessa talks I dont... you know, listen.
- Best Random Moment: Blair running behind Chuck as he sips Champagne in 'You've got Yale'
- Worst Random Moment: Serena grabbing Nate and kissing him. Because that's all that happened and we wanted more, dammit!
- Best Gay Moment: "Are you gay?" from Chuck to Dan because I was expecting him to reply "yes" and that would've been golden. Most especially Chuck's unsurprised face at the confirmation.
- Worst Gay Moment: WHERE THE HELL ARE MY GAY KISSES?? NO ERIC/JONATHAN EVER?!! FAIL! Last season I got 2! TWO (ok, we only got the impression of one of them but technically there were two).
- Best Party: The Dark Night, shit seriously went down there and the post-graduation one was also awesome
- Worst Party: Prom. Because we blinked and missed it.
- Best Kiss: Humm.... finale kiss is my favorite, it was amazing but even me who doesn't like Nate/Jenny thought their kiss at the end of 2.08 was pretty amazing too
- Worst Kiss: heh... need you ask?
- Overall FAVORITE moment: This is hard. Very hard. We saw some AMAZING moments this season and some total FAIL ones. But I have to say my very favorite moment in S2 was The Roof Scene in 2.14. "No one cares" - "I do!" but then again I have so many I can't fucking pick!
Favourite Blair Outfit: Black dress from 2.15 dinner Chuck ditched, cross-dressing joker from 2.08 when she goes to see Dan at gallery. Least favourite Blair outfit: White cape thing from 2.04, orange cullottes from 2.01. Least favourite episode 2.07 because that's when the madness began. Least favourite storyline other than anything invoving Vanessa: Call girl, Miss Carr, resolution of Jack story when he's suddenly turned into a violent cokehead whereas he'd been really fun and like an overgrown Chuck previously. Actually the resolution of any guest star's story.
ReplyDeleteHi :)
ReplyDeleteI agree with most of the things you wrote, but I have one question. I might be right and I might be wrong.
You said the worst episode EVER was 2x21, but didnt you mean 2x20? 2x20 is the episode that doesnt exist to me, you know with the Chuhobo etc. and 2x21 was the one where Chuck apologized to Jenny, a scene I adore.
Yes, you are right. It was so bad that it cause even me to malfunction ;)
ReplyDeleteHaha, I totally understand ;)
ReplyDelete25. Favorite quote: "You can tell Jesus, that the bitch is back". That was just hysterically hillarious, I so love evil!Georgina.
21. Scene that made you sob and rock in a corner: Like you said, Totally the scene where Chuck shows up in Blair's room after Bart's funeral in 2x13. It was sad but yet amazingly beautiful. And I cried with him, poor Chuck.
The rest, I agree with you =)
Blair: Witch hunts are my Valium.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you guys for the most part. My least favorite Blair outfit, however, is that awful thing she was wearing when she met the Colony Club. Yuck! I also hated that Gabriel fool with his lack of Southern accent. Though I think Aaron and Lord Suck Ass Accent may have been worse.
Yes I'd have to agree. Aaron was the worse. Lordwhogivesadamn was just a waste of space and I was totally pissed off that C didn't get to hit his ass back. Probably why I had to cheer extra loud when C hit Jackass. All through S1 and in that ep people kept hitting or shoving him (not Blair's Chuckabuse..that's just love) but everyone else. Dan, Nate, & Lordwhogivesadamn...all too much. Just cathartic. And by season's end ofcourse we wanted him to do it again. He deserve to...we deserved to see it ;)
ReplyDeleteFavorite Blair Outfit: Snowball and Prom dresses. Also, all the sexy lingerie she wore in 2x08.
ReplyDeleteFavorite Other-female outfit: I kind of loved Little J's street urchin hobo bowler hat combo when she switiched clothes with crazy Agnes. She worked that look.
Least Favorite female outfit: Serena's prom dress. Even the boobs were drooping in disappointment.
Favorite Male Outfit: Chuck's white suit; his neckerchief enbsemble for the 'Are you gay?' exchange; his spangly suit at the Snowball; his hot 'I'm channelling Cary Grant and Marlon Brando and a suit in a threesome' suit from the finale (SWOON).
Favorite Fight: Chuck punching Jack. FINALLY! And SO HOT.
Least Favorite Fight: Agreed. Lord Dick van Dolittle and his gay little punch. Thankfully, Chuck knows how to take a beating so twas nothing but a mild tap.
Favorite Parent Moment: Loved Blair/Cyrus. And there were some sweet Chuck/Lily moments in 2x16 when she wasn't flaunting her mistress in his face (bitch).
Least Favourite Parent Moment: Lily slapping Chuck. Rufus being lame 90s dad.
Best Friend Moment: Chuck being there for Nate with the FBI. Blair and Nate being there foir Chuck at Bart's funeral. Any (all too brief) NJBC moment.
Worst Friend Moment: Nate being an ungrateful dick to Chuck. Serena being an ungrateful bitch to Chuck - "Your dad is dead and yet you're not being supportive of me and my pseudo-boyfriends!"
Worst Fake-Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nate.
Favorite Plot-Line of the Season: Chuck orchestrating the fake GF for Dan just to dethrone Blair. Delicious.
Least Favorite Plot-Line: Dougie Houser teacher.
Favorite Episode: 2x13. Sealed my love of Chair forever more.
Scene that made you sob and rock in a corner: Blair's ILY to Chuck in 2x13. Jesus Christ. I still have goosebumps.
Scene that made you laugh until your stomach hurt: Chuck to Dan with his beautiful and perfect, "Are you gay?"
Favorite Quote: The whole seduction scene in the finale. So hot, mostly in EW's delivery.
Best Kiss: Not quite a kiss but Ear!sex was unbelievable.
Overall FAVORITE moment: Probably Blair's ILY and then the hug in 2x13. Chuck's "I don't think of you" and "Are you gay?" in ?2x04 for sheer comedic value.
The Best & Worst of Season 2
ReplyDeleteFavorite Blair Outfit: I love her outfits but her outfits on "Bonfire of the Vanity" were my favorites. The whole look with the polka dot dress when she first met Cyrus, Leighton looked absolutely stunning as Blair. Then the white ruffled top and short skirt for her bday, then that dress at the end when she was talking to Serena on the phone. Gorgeous!
Least Favorite Blair Outfit: I agree that her blue/green outfit in Yale was too much.
Favorite Other-female outfit: I wasnt looking at the other females outfit. None compares to Blair.
Least Favorite female outfit: all the troll's outfits. but that neon leggings takes the cake--- gross like LD herself.
Favorite Male Outfit: I really liked the green suit that matched Blair's outfit in 2.01. That sparkly suit is also tops.
Least Favorite Male Outfit: hated Rufus' turtlenecks.
Favorite Fight: SB catfight. Chuck punching Jack.
Least Favorite Fight: CB on "New Haven Can Wait"... the reason behind it is so vague and random.
Favorite Blair Headband!: I like her headbands but I adore the headband she wore on the 225 final scene.
Least Favorite Blair Headband: "None. Blair is perfect." I totally agree.
Favorite Parent Moment: B/E "Dont let him get away with it" scene. B/Cyrus hug at the end of "Bonfire...".
Least Favorite Parent Moment: Harold dissapointed with Blair. Bart dissing the hockey game Chuck offered.
Best Friend Moment: S&B on 2x08 -- they were adorable the entire episode. Dan&Blair giving advise on the same episode. I know they are not best friends per se, but I like their dynamics except the troll ruined it with her lies.
Worst Friend Moment: The troll lied to Dan about being "'catnip". Stupid whore.
Worst Fake-Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Lord Marcus. Aaron.
Best Fake Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nate&Serena -- I wanted it to be real!
Favorite Plot-Line of the Season: CB's ILY storyline.
Least Favorite Plot-Line: Elle whore. Ment-whore. Troll-whore.
Favorite Episode: ALOT 2.01, 2.08, 2.13, 2.14, 2.15, 2.23 and 2.25. All the CB goodies.
Worst Episode: 2.20 HANDS DOWN. Hate it so much.
Scene that made you sob and rock in a corner: Chuck and Blair scene in 2.13, 2.14, 2.15
Scene that made you laugh until your stomach hurt: The chaos that followed when Georgina showed up in 2.23
Favorite Quote: Blair's love confession on 2.13.
Best Kiss: All CB kisses.
Worst Kiss: the vomit inducing scene takes the cake.
Overall FAVORITE moment: When Blair hugged Chuck in her bedroom at the end of 2.13.
I did the whole list at my journal :)
ReplyDeleteBest Gay moment: When Jack winks at Nate!