Now, because apparently EVERYONE has seen the finale except for me let us discuss the possibilities of things.
Dear Korbi. Baby, you still haven't learned that we can get easily pissed off. VERY easily pissed off.
Still dying to know what exactly went down with Blair and Jack Bass on New Year's?Well you -- and Chuck -- will find out Monday, thanks to Gossip Girl, whomever she (or he) may be.
ME: We've been assured a variety of times that this secret will come out but it wont have a permanent dent on Chair. I mean, honestly, I rather it come out now - I want EVERYTHING to come out - and Chair still forgives and forgets. Because it's best this way, we dont want to become the new Darena where right off the bat the secrets are in.
The online tattletale plays a big part in next week's "GG" season finale when she kicks off graduation festivities by calling the elite of Constance and St. Jude out.
I won't spoil all of her accusations... just one: Whore!
She calls Nate Archibald a whore. Which he kind of is.
ME: But of course! SHOCKER.
What else can I tell you...
Well, there will be a marriage proposal (any guesses?), the friendly reunion of a former couple (no, I'm not referring to Chuck and Blair),
ME: I have a feeling... and dont shoot the messenger but I have a feeling based on LD's incessant talking and this that we will see NV come back in the finale. And IF this happens you all have to brace yourself for the biggest rant of the year. We're talking WORSE than GET MAD. I'm really hoping I'm wrong but if I'm right... yeah. Brace yourself.
the return of a character we haven't seen in a little while (oh, the possibilities!) and... a weird preoccupation with headbands.
The character that's coming back? Okay, fine, it's Carter Baizen... and he's bringing some big news with him. News about someone we met this past Monday. News that will no doubt affect next year's storylines.
ME: Dont care. Next.
As for Chuck and Blair, the episode belongs to them and that's all I'm going to say on that subject.
ME: YESSSSS!!! God, I need this SO badly, you dont know.
Something I will, however, happily elaborate on is the hotness of Dan and Serena's half brother who, as previously reported, shows up in the finale.
ME: Set Vanessa on him, we're pretty sure SOMETHING will happen. He'll be the one guy she hasn't hit.
God, I need Sunday to be here. Like now. I'm tired of the fucking speculation and of the 'spoilers' that really tell you ALL about the episode.
I'm sick of the spoilers. They're the same thing over and over. I just want monday to come already.
ReplyDeleteI need Sunday night here so Canada can spoil this finale for me already.
You have no idea how mad I am going to be if NV will be all buddy-buddy. I don't like Vanessa AT ALL, but no woman should ever be treated like that. I mean, isn't Savage supposed to be a WOMAN? A woman in a highly masculine industry - she is the poster child for being a successful and strong woman with a professional dominated by men. WHY IS SHE DOING THIS?? I get that she was some ugly duckling and no pretty boy ever asked her to prom, so she has to destroy the proms on her shows (The OC, GG, hello?) and that the only people who hang out with her are nerdy DUDES (aka Josh), but wait a minute. I'd never straight out degrade my gender. Just never.
ReplyDeleteThis is the only time where I'm going to say this.
ReplyDeleteI felt bad for Vanessa when Nate dumped her for Blair. I think that Vanessa brought out the best in him.
But after the way he treated her, no WAY should she get back with him. If they're friends, fine. Whatever. But you'd think after their third "break-up" she'd have learned not to trust Nate "cunt-jumper" Archibald.
I swear to God though, if Dan and Serena get back together I'm going to barf all of my guts out.
I GET HOME FROM WORK AT 6:30. This is going to be the first time I will watch Gossip Girl on TV since 2.04!! IM SO EXCITEDD.