Saturday, May 16, 2009

telling it like it is...

Oh you knew this was coming. With the run-of-the-mouth that continues from LD how can I NOT run with it too? Let me be blunt here (as if I'm never blunt) DOES THIS PERSON EVER JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP??

I mean, really? REALLY? No filter, no NOTHING, just talking and talking until all the reporters LAP IT UP as if she has all this inside knowledge or FURTHERMORE some say in the future of the show.

As if this interview wasn't bad enough we got DOUBLE dose of shit-talk from her that is just NOT what I want to hear first thing on a Saturday morning. Just dont want to fucking hear it! (yes, I blame all of you, whom I love, that emailed me) So because I had to fucking hear it then you all have to hear me bitch about it because that is what I do here. You want self-promotion, LD? I'll give you fucking self promotion!

The video wasn't enough but now you're talking all about the future relationship status of ALL THE GUYS AND the girls of the show?? Look if you didn't believe me that all she does is be used as a catalyst for relationships and you read this interview and you STILL dont get it then you're just swimming against the tide, my friend. That's all you're doing.

We just caught up with Jessica in New York and got the rundown of Vanessa's romantic future. Here's what she spilled:

What's Up With Vanessa and Nate? Jessica tells us that V will get over Nate's dalliance with Blair sooner rather than later. According to Szohr, "Obviously, Vanessa's a little bit hurt because that's her boyfriend, but what comes around goes around, so I'm sure Vanessa will be all right."

ME: .... OBVIOUSLY??? He LEFT you and in the same episode planned a 'magical' duck-induced kiss with his ex-ex-ex-girlfriend. Like, I'm sorry. But I would be offended as a woman if the character I'm portraying which is supposed to be a fierce feminist with high morals and rules bounced back to her former boyfriend who left her in the blink of an eye and didn't even mention her name ONCE. But apparently she's OK with it. Anything that gets you screen time, right Jess?


What About Vanessa and Dan? Could Danessa ever hook up? Jessica tells us, "I don't know if I could see Vanessa and Dan together because now that she's come back and accepted his loving Serena, and he's always there for her through so many things with Nate, I think they're just good friends. I don't know if they'll ever date. But it's Gossip Girl, so..."

ME: Of course not, you wouldn't get as much exposure with this one, I understand, baby. I totally get it. Others dont but I do.


Will There Be More Between Vanessa and the Basshole? Jessica tells us, "Vanessa hates Chuck...that's what's fun about it. We'll see." Sounds like there could be more spiciness in store for those two, somewhere down the line...

ME: See?? SEE??? I've had to CONTROL my urge to curse my lungs out, toning down my temper as Cowgirl suggested before I fucking lost it. I dont think she understands the REACTION people had to this pairing. Her proper answer would've been 'I HOPE NOT BECAUSE HE'S IN LOVE WITH BLAIR AND VANESSA WOULD ALWAYS COME AS A FLING. SHE NEEDS A GUY THAT IS ALL ABOUT HER.' Someone give her some fucking publicity lessons if she's going to be interviewed ALL THE FUCKING TIME. THANKS! (I kept it pretty PG, didn't I? It could've been worse.)


What About Vanessa and Lesbianism? Could V ever take up with one of the ladies if she exhausts the local supply of eligible bachelors? (Her sister Ruby is in a lesbian pub band...) "For the ladies? I don't know, maybe she will."

ME: Yes, please. GO AWAY, fuck a girl and like it for fuck's sake. I might probably respect you more since I know you wont be used to fuck up every friendship and relationship like you've historically been known to do.

Now, who's stoked for Monday's Gossip Girl finale?

Quite honestly, after reading her very insightful thoughts on life the only thing I'm excited about Monday is being able to bash my TV in when she shows her face either as Vanessa or in the fucking DOVE commercials. It's a fucking toss up!

NOW I'm calm. Let me get some more fucking coffee, skip the Splenda and go straight for the raw grain.


  1. And yet she nailed the one reason the sex they already had made no sense - Vanessa hates Chuck; and not in a love/hate way but in an actual hate way.

  2. I've BARELY forgotten the CV mess for her say "that's what's fun about it. We'll see.". I cant. I need to walk away, it's safer that way.

  3. GAHHH!! I cannot stand her! She's an untalented, shameless self-promotional whore who feeds off her boyfriend's fame!
    I'll never understand what my beloved Eddie sees in her! "totally confuzzled
    and disgusted!
    I pray he wakes the fuck up soon!

  4. I'm still confused as to why she's getting asked 50-thousand questions. Because we're so entranced with Vanessa's storyline. That's what gets me.

  5. Ok, you may want to be PG but I won't.

    Shut the fuck up! Just close your mouth! We all know you're fucking Ed and we have to deal with it, but DON'T, DON'T fucking hint or play with the idea of Chuck and Vanessa. YOU DONT UNDERSTAND. I try and stay away from Jess hate but Vanessa hate is second to fucking none, we put up with your god awful character but dont for the love of God try and interfere with Chair, or pretend you know where its going.

    And, more spiciness?? Sure about as fucking spicey as chilli powder in the eye, ahhh Jeeze!

    Why can she not let us just have chuck? Just stay away from him!!!!

    ok I need to stop now or go for a run or something.

  6. Oh, great, as if the many crimes perpetrated by her character weren't enough, now she's costing us Isabelle! ARGH! WHY WON'T SHE SHUT THE HELL UP?

    That said, Isabelle, I completely understand. I said a while back that season 3 containing Vanessa was a trojan horse that I wouldn't let in the door, and I can see I was right. I had been briefly optimistic with the lack of V in recent episodes and Chuck remembering he was in love with Blair...However, with recent spoilers and now this interview, I can see it's going to be same old same old.

    How can they actually think this is getting them viewers? It's keeping them away or turning them off before they get started.

  7. guys, the interview she talks about chuck and nate (what comes around goes around) are old, it happened before the cv's fail

  8. i cannot believe she's even HINTING that the CV mess wasnt a big fat f*cking mistake! look, i think all in all i cld even like this girl [actually i USED to like her] if she didnt parade around like the publicity-hungry person she appears to be. and pimping CV when she clearly had supporters [even!] for NV, i dont know what's going in that head of hers! does she rele want more and more ppl to start disliking her and hating her character?

    I have never in my life hated a character so much. And at least the chars I have hated have actually been CHARACTERS. Vanessa isnt even a character. Shes a fucking plot device that just WONT LEAVE!

    Chuck and Vanessa even standing in the same room is beyond fucking OOC. I hope the writers got the fucking message when 90% of the fandom was in RAGE after 2.20 AND I PERSONALLY AM STILL MOTHERFUCKING PISSED THAT THOSE FUCKERS EVER WENT THERE!

  10. This is either old, patched up from other interviews all over the place, or JS really is a moron who repeats herself word for word on several different occassions. I know that her first comment (those same exact words) about Nate and Blair and the goes around comes around was first introduced before the "Remains of the J" aired.

  11. Damn but that was beautiful...I can't believe she's still trying to pimp that train wreck they tried forcing down our throats in 220...and the writers couldn't have missed the picture perfect clear message sent via the mass emails and plummet in ratings...and the CW execs couldn't have been too jazzed about that either.

    It was beyond pointless like Jason X (the one in space that the series completely disavows...that's what 220 is.) Now V needs to move the fuck on...and I liked your answer....


    Ex-fucking-actly..find some guy just for you. What the hell happened to her being all up in Dan's face and now suddenly she's all about respecting the established love of blind much.

    I'm no even going to get worked up about this. You wanked the bitch. I'm happy. And Monday...just picked up my party favors :D BRo and CB *sigh* I definitely won't be in the office Tuesday. :P

  12. ""guys, the interview she talks about chuck and nate (what comes around goes around) are old, it happened before the cv's fail""

    Oh...right I thought I recognized that what goes around crap...thought she was just recycling her own bullshit...but no whoever put that together did. She needs to take a break from all this's beyond annoying.

  13. Wow all of those guys have kicked her to the curb at least once...

    She's gotten reprimanded for talking too much before and yet here she is going again. She revealed the Bart Bass funeral even though she wasn't even in the episode and got reprimanded for it. Obviously she hasn't learned her lesson.

    What I got from that interview was that she either doesn't know her character at all or doesn't care about her character at all. Pretty much I guess all she cares about is publicity. Ew.

  14. It does say on the e-online site "what she just told us" on the potential V ships, so it sounds like she's spouting off about Vuck again.

    I...cannot STAND her.

  15. Savage said CV was meaningless in an interview. Jessica seems to be milking her relationship with Ed. And honestly, could we get some interviewers who actually watch Gossip Girl because I know whoever asked her about Chuck and Vanessa doesn't.

    Chuck and Vanessa has got to be the worst's akin to George and Izzie on Grey's Anatomy. Vomit worthy.

    And yeah..most of the interview is patched from a bunch of old ones or it'd be on tape. And Season 3 hasn't even been written.

    Not to mention she says WE'LL SEE about everything. She even said Vanessa would hook up with Rufus in Season 1. She kept on saying they had chemistry (which actually I think they kinda do...of the gross variety but they still do) and "we'll see."

    I really don't like her character. Why would the writers pawn Chuck off her...does she think people would root for that? It'd be like pairing Blair off with the Doorman of Chuck's bldg.

  16. I can't believe that she's still going to be on TV. Ugh. And she totally spills things. I hate her for not being so mum.

    ED! What do you see in her? You should be with Leighton(All hail the queen!). Ugh.

    LD should like go now and go somewhere else far away.


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