Friday, March 27, 2009

confessions of a dreadlock-HATER

You need to calm down. The whole world is NOT against us. Just the pot-smoking writers. :D And her stylish, or lack thereof:

It continues to baffle us how this continues to happen. Do you know there's people who actually LIKE our lady friend here? (part of the conspiracy, we're sure) We don't experience hate often... OK, that's a crock of bull. We feel it ALL the time. But before heading to watch Confessions of a Shopaholic some weeks ago we decided to actually read the books. Not all books are horrible like the GG series.

So, in one of the books (we think it's the last one) you feel serious HATE. When Becky (whom we love) says "SHE'S A RED-HEADED BITCH AND I HATE HER" in a posh English accent. Becky, cheers to you, my friend! We HATE this girl too! We GET IT. We know what it feels like to want to strangle someone one but be too grossed out to touch her. I'm serious. I haven't had my tetanus shot and apparently neither has Ed as he's showing clear signs of contamination.

AND THIS FUCKERY? If you're one of the WANKERS who don't mind this shit up here because 'Blair is with Nate so Chuck might as well get with V because they're so CUTE in real life' don't make me get angry and make a post of just you and how you've drank the entire fucking KOOL-AID. I think the purpose of Vanessa has been unclear UNTIL NOW. Are you ready for it? We've DISCOVERED the PURPOSE of Vanessa! (we're SO excited!)

OK. the purpose of Vanessa is a running joke amongst the writers. Places we can put Vanessa in that she has no purpose in being in. Like showing up at the school randomly. Randomly coming to a party. Randomly running into people. It's a running joke. It's like... she's got no purpose today, what shall we do? Should she be crossing the road the moment Chuck is in his limo so they can have a conversation and we can test their screen chemistry?? FUN! Let's try it! The fans wont mind at all (like we don't mind gangrene!)!!

So since the writer's are having their fun with it we should have our own fun. Try this. Get a group of GG-loving friends over (if you can find some these days) and bring a bottle of vodka. Watch Seasons 1 & 2 and every time Vanessa shows up where she's got NO business being take a SHOT! It'll be a fun filled night for you and your nearly extinct GG friends! Writers-on-crack-APPROVED!

xo, the bitches.


  1. Ha! I love this. My friends and I call her "Master Thespian" thanks to her two facial expressions.

  2. We have our nickname for V and it's Brooklyn Trash. Seriously, what the hell is she doing. And I saw pics when they filmed graduation, even heard she was at a tea party after graduation over at the VdBs. WTF???? They really will have her everyhwere. I HATE HER!!!! can they just kill her off?

  3. I WANTED TO POST THIS ONE!!! God, you're such a fame whore! Oh. wait. that's JessSzzz... my bad.

  4. This post is so fucking true! Although, if you actually took part in this fun filled night to pay homage to your hate for V, YOU WOULD PROBALLY DIE OF ALCHOL POISONING BEFORE THE NIGHT WOULD BE OVER! THAT IS HOW MUCH WE HATE HER BITCHES! Props to you, man, for speaking the fucking truth. You are the gospel for us poor fans.


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