Wednesday, March 25, 2009

lady DREADLOCKS strikes again!

The city is in wide-spread panic over the sudden attack of JESSICA SZZZZZZ..... people can't hide from her, she'll find you! People are becoming allergic to her and she's EVERYWHERE, people don't know how to control her - scientists are baffled! SHE'S AIRBORNE.

Seriously, I know you didn't want me to post this because we're so scared of the hair and the laugh-on-crack but how can I not??? I know we're like supposed to love her and just adore her but the truth is that you may be afraid of saying that you HATE her but we are not.

We lived life in happy tranquility until a few months back when Lady Dreadlocks made a career-changing move. In retrospect, it's a very wise move. Which makes her all the most suspicious. If your character is HATED and you have skinny legs what do you do? You become BFFs with EVERYONE! You shove yourself in pictures with Leighton (long live the queen) and hypnotize Ed with your eyes. DING DING! LOVE ME!

Aside from our gross dislike of her (and hobo-Vanessa) why is she on magazine covers? AND all of the sudden? I mean - what does she do, really? In life. What does she do? Aside from parading Ed around town? She has 4 lines an episode, playing a character widely disliked and we put her on magazine covers?? SHAME ON YOU, LUCKY AND OCEAN DRIVE - you've been drinking the KOOL AID!!

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